As stated before, Math and Science did not come easily to me. History was iffy also. Of the top three teachers that made an impact in my life in Canfield Schools I can honestly say that they were in the following classes:
Eight Grade American History
Anatomy and Physiology
The teachers in this class made it appropriately challenging. They taught me that I could do it. They weren't the teachers that let me go to the computer lab and jack around, and inspiration and belief did not happen in "blow off classes".
Anatomy and Physiology along with Statistics are considered more advanced, so I'm not quiet sure how I got put in the position of being in those classes to begin with. The teachers not only taught me that I could excel in these topics but that I could enjoy them. I always excelled in linguistically based things , but that didn't mean I actually enjoyed them.
Not all science was questions based around what rocks look like, and not all math was inapplicable to everyday life.
I never thought I could do math or science until I got to these classes. The fundamentals of these classes taught me that I have to learn, and master, the basics of these things to fully understand the things that I actually like to study.
I hope that I can be a teacher that teaches kids that there is more to learning than the tests, its more about finding what interests you, and how to you can love to learn.
I want to equip them to handle the hard things in life with confidence. Knowing that there is something better on the other side.
After comparing teachers in my life this quote comes to mind:
After comparing teachers in my life this quote comes to mind:
"If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself."